MY MOM IS THE PERSON OF THE DAY ON FREAKING MOTHERS DAY!!!! She is lucky I don't post Mother's Day by blink-182. My mother pushed me out and exposed me to this great thing called life 20 years ago. She has been there for me since the very beginning and held my hand through all of the rough times, she was there for me when I was in need and even though we haven't been as close as we used to be she is my mother and I love her with all my heart. One of my favorite memories of my mother is on mothers day forever ago and we went to outback stake house. Well I can't tell the rest of the story but I'll begin another one. My mom and Ali Cooper were sitting on the Coopers boat and they were looking at the moon. My mom and Ali were both amazed at how big the moon looked and how close it looked too. Well the moon turned off and they began to freak out. Turns out it was the lightbulb on the coopers boat that they were looking at all along. My mom and I have been through a lot together and lately she has been taking care of her own mother. When you are praying today pray for your own mother on her special day. And also send a prayer up for my mom as well, cuz today all mothers are the PERSON OF THE DAY!!