Rachelle Johnson is the person of the day! Rachelle is like me, she is from Colorado. Rachelle is a Sophomore Theatre major here at Vanguard. She and I have been friends for a while now and I am sad to have to see her go. She will not be joining us this next year and we all pray and wish for her return. She is amazingly talented and has gods light shining through her. One of my favorite memories of Rachelle has been playing sardines in the theatre and we couldn't find her for 30 minutes. All that time she was hiding under a box right next to us. Last night was theatre banquette and my goodbye was a dance to her favorite song from Godspell "Day by Day." Farewell my dear friend, and like my high school says
Until we meet again. So when you are praying today Shout Up one for Rachelle Johnson, the person of the day.