I was sitting at my spot and was watching the waves crash down, when all of a sudden my iPhone began playing the song "Across the Universe" from the Across the Universe Soundtrack and as I looking out on the waves crashing down the song began to end and fade out with that huge ending with the Oregon blasting it's final note and I got this feeling of safety, and security. Something that I haven't felt in a long time. It was nice too feel that again, I also had this huge ephiphani today while watching August Rush. August runs off and the people who are looking for him are like well if his father (being god) takes care of him he'll be alright because it is all apart of his plan. I don't know why but I had this huge emotional response to that part in the movie and I was overwhelmed with emotions and then scattered off to my spot and here I am back from a nice 45 minute break of thinking and reflecting and I can honestly say, I feel safe again...