On BCC there is a show being aired entitled "All the Small Things" the show is about a church Choir and the competition of their talents.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
On BCC there is a show being aired entitled "All the Small Things" the show is about a church Choir and the competition of their talents.
Sometimes Ignorance Really IS Bliss
(A customer has called to redeem the points earned on her credit card in exchange for return airfare from Montreal, Qc to Chicago, Illinois. I have just given her the flight departure and arrival times.)
Customer: “Why is the flight going there so short? You said it was a 90-minute flight.”
Me: “The times are given in their respective time zones. We are in the Eastern time zone, but Chicago is one hour behind us, and it’s in the Central time zone. The flight really is 90 minutes long, it just looks shorter due to the time difference.”
Customer: “Time…zones?”
Me: “Yes, we have five time zones: Maritimes, Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific Time. In your case, there is a one hour difference between each zone. If it is 11:00am here, it is only 10:00am in Chicago. So when your flight arrives in Chicago at 11:30am, that is Chicago time. In Montreal it will actually be 12:30pm, so the flight is an hour and a half.”
Customer: “Then why is the return flight so long? It’s like, an hour longer than the way there!”
Me: “Again, it is the difference between the time zones, only in reverse. It only looks as though the flight is longer but it’s also a 90 minute flight. It adds an hour on the return flight because you are coming back East.”
Customer: “I still don’t get it - the flight should be the same time in both directions. It’s 30 minutes to get there, but more than 2 hours to get back!”
(After 20 minutes of more explaining I give up.)
Me: “For the flight to Chicago, the wind is at your back, so the plane goes really fast. On the way back, it’s against the wind, and so the plane goes slower.”
Customer: “Oh! Well that makes much more sense. Thank you!”
Me: “I do my best. Have a good trip, ma’am.”
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Greg/ GA/ Gregory

G.A. is the person of the day. I have known G.A. for a couple months and he has become a good friend of mine. I remember that he was the Goat in my twisted family I have with Katie Farmer and people. He was the reason Daryl got sick though, the Goat was giving disease to those around him. G.A. is a Sophomore and has the skills that allow him to play the Guitar!! So when you are praying today shout one up for G.A.!!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Learning From The Failure
Monday, April 27, 2009
Getting Back to Business

Saturday, April 25, 2009
'Rent' Fans Pan Protestors

I read and article this morning in the Daily Pilot. The Corona Del Mar High School is performing the Musical Rent this weekend and the Westboro Baptist Church has begun protesting. Students and Faculty have begun even protesting against the protesters. They are saying "It's a typical play that makes homosexuality look like a wonderful lifestyle, and it's taking your children straight to hell!" The school has had the cast members protesting with them singing Seasons of Love to their protesters and also showing signs saying "If God can Love a sinner, God can Love anyone!"
Friday, April 24, 2009
Zach Simons
Zach Simons is the person of the day!! Zach is one of my fellow theatre major buddies and has been in two shows this year with me. Zach was recently cast in the fall production of The Fantasticks here at Vanguard as El Gallo the Narrator. One of my favorite memories of Zach Simons was in Acting 1 last semester, he and Daryl Caudill and Tim Glasgow did a scene from a play and basically did the entire 2nd act. Zach's character had to get thrown off a bridge or something and he runs and jumps offstage and all we hear is a loud thud and a moan of pain. We laughed but also worried about our pal. Zach is a good friend of mine, he follows me on twitter!! So when you are praying today, send up a prayer for Zach Simons, the person of the day!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sometimes They Come Back

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Katie Farmer
Katie Farmer is the Person of the Day. Katie is my nemesis, she and I have been nemesie's since day one. We fought about the genetics that determine the sex of a human and we both argued the same outcome. So really, no body won. *Beard Scratch* We often check mark each other and such other things we do cuz we are such great nemesie's. Katie and I will be staying over the summer for our internship with ACTC and will be required to live in the Vanguard Center apartments. I do not want to say any more nice things or relatibly nice because that would be a huge contradiction on my part. *Beard Scratch* But when you are praying today, pray for the invincible powers of the sun to strike Katie Farmer and make her live FOREVER!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Shay Black
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Cassie Mayer

Cassie Mayer is the Person of the Day. Cassie is a new friend of mine, and future VU Lion too!! I met Cassie through her brother Josh Quale on our trip to the Inland Empire. Cassie and I hit it off from the beginning as friends, she is a very nice person, who hates her job! As far as I know Cassie is not engaged at the moment and is in love with the character Jasper from the movie Twilight. Cassie loves the Twilight series, like many of the youth we have in America today. One of my favorite memories of Cassie so far has been how Me, Cassie and Anthony Story got Construction cones and placed them all onto Oswald, Josh Quales car of choice. Oh fun times Cassie, fun times! So today when you are all praying, send up a prayer for my friend Cassie Mayer, future Vanguard Alumni.
Forgiveness and Penace
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Enders Game

I was recently given a book to read by my friend and he told me it was one of his favorites as a kid and that i needed to read it. I in return gave him one of my favorite books Tuesdays With Morrie and as far as I know he's only gotten to chapter 3. But I have been keepin up on the book my friend gave me, Enders Game. I began reading this book in the car and fell deeply drawn into the story of the Character Ender.
This is getting harder
And I can't seem to pick you out of the crowd
But you my dear
Have been discovered a liar (a liar)
And I'm afraid that this is building up for far too long
(far too long)
And this is not the time or place for us to speak like this
And if I had the thought I'd never dream of it
So dry your hollow eyes and lets go down to the water
In a different time or place the words could make more sense
In a perfect world, the future wouldn't make a dent
So dry your hollow eyes and lets go down to the water
Even though it's the last time
This is getting the best of me
And truth be told, you were the start of it all
Now you my dear, might end up lonely (lonely)
Before you go, there's something you should know (You should know)
And this is not the time or place for us to speak like this
And if I had the thought I'd never dream of it
So dry your hollow eyes and lets go down to the water
In a different time or place the words can make more sense
The perfect world, the future wouldn't make a dent
So dry your hollow eyes and lets go down to the water
Even though it's the last time.
This is not the time or place for us to speak like this
And if I had the thought I'd never dream of it
So dry your hollow eyes and lets go down to the water
In a different time or place the words could make more sense
The perfect world, the future wouldn't make a dent
So dry your hollow eyes and lets go down to the water
Please, let's not speak, don't breathe a word
Even though it's the last time
Please, let's not speak, don't breathe a word
Even though it's the last time
To me when I hear this song, I see a man saying knowing in the back of his mind he's going to break this women's heart, and he is putting it off because he wants to be able to remember this night/ this time he has with her, even though it's the last time...
Friday, April 17, 2009
Joe Spady

Joe Spady is the Person of the Day. Joe Spady was one of the first people I ever met here at Vanguard. It started last spring when Me, Aaron Luckenbach and Daryl Caudill came to Vanguard to see the production Throughly Modern Millie. Joe was in the backstage and he showed us the Green Room and Dressing Rooms. Then fast forward a year and Joe Spady is my fellow elevator buddy. Sometimes when Joe and I have nothing better to do, we get two chairs and put them inside the Huntington Hall Elevator and we press the buttons going up and down for people so that way they don't have to. We usually bring a book so we can offer advice to people while they are in our Presence. Joe Spady is a good friend and one I hope I never loose touch with. When you are praying today, pray for Joe Spady, the Person of the Day.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
James Lindsay
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
People Always Leave

Mr. Campbell
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thank You
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Bridge

Today at the Easter Sunday service, Pastor Z-Man talked about forgiveness and the Bridge we cross in order for reconciliation to happen. He then went on in more depth about it. His hope by lunchtime was that those of us who had problems with people and needed forgiveness, we would set aside our pride or differences and call them or text them and take the first step of that journey.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Kid Sister
Friday, April 10, 2009
Natasha Fish

Stay Together for the Kids
Here is the Remake of the video, watch the two and see for yourself which one is better, metaphorically speaking!!

I still need to name this cow!!! Any GOOD suggestions?!
Reeni Lindblom

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Sarah Frank

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Brandon Arias

Brandon Arias is the 1st Person of the Day.