My sister Shay Black is the Person of the Day. My sister Shay is one of the smartest most intelligent people I have ever know, I know that someday she's going to be working at like a Law Firm or something like that that pays very well, cuz she is so smart. Shay is the person I go to if I need anything, she has always been there for me no matter what. My senior year I apparently was a little sh** towards the end because I was leaving and didn't show my emotions and my family was hurt. Well she pulled me aside and said "Hey, you have to really think about how you handling this and how it affects us all that you're leaving us and are happy about it." Afterwards I began to realize how true that was and how my family really cares for me and I wasn't keeping their feelings in mind. Shay is pregnant right now with a baby girl, who I knew about before she did. Remember I cursed her with all girls people. Shay is my one of my favorite people in the world and always can cheer me up. One of my favorite memories of my sister Shay is going on the family road trip with my dad and brother Mark and Shay spits out of the passenger window and my dad is going 70 mph and she spits and it lands on the my window and its EVERYWHERE!!! oh also CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP... yeah sorry about that Shay but it was pretty nasty!! SO while you all are praying today, pray for my sister Shay and her health with the baby and all. Pray for Shay, the person of the day :-)