Stay Together for the Kids- blink-182. One of my all time favorite songs they have ever done. If comparing their Take Off Your Pants and Jacket album to Enema of the State, Stay Together for the Kids is equivalent too Adams Song. This song speaks about divorce. An interesting thing about this video he band originally started shooting the video for the song on Monday, September 10, 2004, and originally featured the band playing in a derelict house which was hit by a wrecking ball and fell apart during the song's progression. The next day when they went to finish the video, the 9/11 Attacks on the World Trade Center occurred, and both the band and director opted to re-shoot the video, as they felt the images of the house coming down were too similar to the images of the attacks in New York.
Here is the Remake of the video, watch the two and see for yourself which one is better, metaphorically speaking!!