Cassie Mayer is the Person of the Day. Cassie is a new friend of mine, and future VU Lion too!! I met Cassie through her brother Josh Quale on our trip to the Inland Empire. Cassie and I hit it off from the beginning as friends, she is a very nice person, who hates her job! As far as I know Cassie is not engaged at the moment and is in love with the character Jasper from the movie Twilight. Cassie loves the Twilight series, like many of the youth we have in America today. One of my favorite memories of Cassie so far has been how Me, Cassie and Anthony Story got Construction cones and placed them all onto Oswald, Josh Quales car of choice. Oh fun times Cassie, fun times! So today when you are all praying, send up a prayer for my friend Cassie Mayer, future Vanguard Alumni.