I was recently given a book to read by my friend and he told me it was one of his favorites as a kid and that i needed to read it. I in return gave him one of my favorite books Tuesdays With Morrie and as far as I know he's only gotten to chapter 3. But I have been keepin up on the book my friend gave me, Enders Game. I began reading this book in the car and fell deeply drawn into the story of the Character Ender.
I immediately began to relate to Ender. Certain things he does in the book were things I used to do as a kid and that made me like his character more. Ender is a third, always has been always will be. I was always the third kid in the class and also I was the thrid child in my immediate sibling count. He also fought back against bullies at such a young age, I too did that in elementary school where I punched a kid for making fun of me.
Enders Game is full of deep thought, and mature content for 10 year olds. I have gotten to Chapter 12 entitled Bonzo. The ending of Chapter 11 was my favorite part of the book so far and I can not wait to read the adventures of the Character Ender as well as my new interest Bean.