Joe Spady is the Person of the Day. Joe Spady was one of the first people I ever met here at Vanguard. It started last spring when Me, Aaron Luckenbach and Daryl Caudill came to Vanguard to see the production Throughly Modern Millie. Joe was in the backstage and he showed us the Green Room and Dressing Rooms. Then fast forward a year and Joe Spady is my fellow elevator buddy. Sometimes when Joe and I have nothing better to do, we get two chairs and put them inside the Huntington Hall Elevator and we press the buttons going up and down for people so that way they don't have to. We usually bring a book so we can offer advice to people while they are in our Presence. Joe Spady is a good friend and one I hope I never loose touch with. When you are praying today, pray for Joe Spady, the Person of the Day.