Today at the Easter Sunday service, Pastor Z-Man talked about forgiveness and the Bridge we cross in order for reconciliation to happen. He then went on in more depth about it. His hope by lunchtime was that those of us who had problems with people and needed forgiveness, we would set aside our pride or differences and call them or text them and take the first step of that journey.
I felt his words speaking to me personally and I took that first step today with somebody who has played a huge part in my life. I've heard it said that everyone has a story, and each story is unique in their own way. I know that I personally can not imagine going on in life holding grudges with people or having them holding one against me. I've taken that first part of my journey over the bridge.
I urge all of you to think about the people in your life. The ones you love, the ones you care about, the ones you see every now and then; and think about how you've affected them. If there is a grudge being held, or differences with both of you, I recommend you to tear down those walls and begin that journey over the bridge. Call that person, text that person, IM whatever. Just make things right between the two, the first step is initiating conversation and dealing with awkwardness. But lately I've learned to embrace the awkwardness. Because at the end of the day, when you really think about it, are you a person who holds grudges or the person who puts the differences aside and goes on with the relationship.
If there was one thing I regret about todays Easter Sunday service was that Z-Man offered us to go walk across the Bridge he had on stage, to symbolize your first steps of your journey. If I wasn't acting EMO and cared what others were thinking then and there, I would've walked across the bridge...