I read and article this morning in the Daily Pilot. The Corona Del Mar High School is performing the Musical Rent this weekend and the Westboro Baptist Church has begun protesting. Students and Faculty have begun even protesting against the protesters. They are saying "It's a typical play that makes homosexuality look like a wonderful lifestyle, and it's taking your children straight to hell!" The school has had the cast members protesting with them singing Seasons of Love to their protesters and also showing signs saying "If God can Love a sinner, God can Love anyone!"
What bothers me is how adamant the Westboro Baptist Church is against the high school for performing a musical that tells the story of human beings dealing the trials and tribulations of living their lives in a squat in New York City. Yes it has characters who are HIV positive and have homosexual tendencies. But if you go to most high schools you'll find one kid who is Homosexual or maybe even a Faculty member who is HIV Positive. It's everywhere, not just at Corona Del Mar High School.
In The Bible it teaches us to love thy neighbor, not treat them unkindly or judge them. Who do the Westboro Baptist Church Representatives think they are, to Judge and Ridicule the High School students and Faculty for choosing Rent as their Musical, maybe with the musical being such a known one, they are using it as a way to help their school and buy new textbooks. Instead of organizing ANOTHER bake sale or Pep Squad Car Wash.
It's people like the Westboro Baptist Church Representatives that give Christians a bad name!